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Value and stewardship

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The Health and Care Bill includes a legal duty for decision-makers across NHS bodies (Foundation Trusts, NHS Trusts, Integrated Care Boards and NHS England) to collectively consider the impact of their decisions on:

  • Increasing the health and wellbeing of everyone the population they serve (including inequalities in that health and wellbeing)
  • The quality of healthcare services for all the population they serve (including inequalities in benefits from those services) and
  • Sustainable and Efficient use of NHS resources.

Arden & GEM is partnering with the Oxford Value and Stewardship Programme, founded by Professor Sir Muir Gray, to support systems across the country to meet their new Triple Aim duty. Our support provides health systems with an approach that delivers the mindset shift, culture and skills required to make healthcare sustainable.

By linking key initiatives such as population health management (PHM), clinical stewardship, and a renewed focus on outcomes, our expert support is helping Integrated Care Systems (ICS) and Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs or Place Based Partnerships) to develop their capability to deliver the Triple Aim while fulfilling the four purposes of a system:

  • Improve population health and healthcare
  • Tackle unequal outcomes and access
  • Enhance productivity and value
  • Help the NHS to support broader social and economic development.

We provide online training via seven comprehensive modules that covers the fundamentals of value-based population health and care and details five tasks that can enable organisations to establish a new culture of stewardship.


Modules can be purchased as a complete programme, or individually to tailor training to meet your exact requirements. Our online learning can be accessed via a variety of devices. Modules can also be downloaded for offline completion.

We deliver a range of solutions that support your organisation or system with delivery of the Triple Aim including:

  • Rapid Triple Aim diagnostics, combining quantitative population analysis and structured qualitative interviews and focus groups to provide you with a short, medium and long term action plan to orientate your system to deliver the Triple Aim and develop a culture of stewardship.
  • Specialist training options that enable the development of learning organisations by building local capability to continue this work. This includes tailored workshops, downloadable online training and ongoing coaching for 6-12 months to ensure continuous learning.
  • Support to set up, facilitate and then handover local clinical networks who will have responsibility for improving outcomes for a given population segment within an allocated area.
  • Co-design of dashboards and analysis that allow health systems to develop impactful analysis of their populations, segments and sub-segments in order to transform care to remove unwarranted variation, eliminate inequity and drive value.


We would welcome the opportunity to discuss how The Oxford Value and Stewardship Programme can support your organisation or health system to deliver your Triple Aim duty, please complete the form at the bottom of the page.


Arden & GEM has unrivaled experience in supporting health systems to deliver effective and sustainable change. Find out more about our work by accessing the resources below.


If you'd like to find out more about Value and Stewardship solutions, please contact us here: