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NHS Effective Leadership Solutions

The NHS Long Term Plan set out the pivotal role Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) must play in establishing more collaborative working and joined-up care for patients and local populations.

ICSs, Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs) and Provider Collaboratives are dependent on a collaborative approach and a willingness of all organisations involved to work together. System leaders face many challenges in delivering this large-scale change, from gaining commitment from a broad range of organisations and stakeholders to ensuring the co-creation and co-production required for a truly collaborative approach. Effective leadership is crucial in successfully bringing NHS, local authority, private and third sector organisations together to improve health outcomes and deliver sustainable healthcare.

Effective Leadership Solutions has been established to support health and care systems to overcome the unique challenges associated with operating as an ICS. Our approaches and expertise can help you to develop the capabilities and behaviours required for:

  • effective relationships and partnerships
  • scalable innovation and improvement
  • individual effectiveness
  • learning and capacity-building.

As an integral part of the NHS, we understand your culture, operating environment and local and national priorities. Our knowledgeable, experienced and credible Associates can provide invaluable capacity and expertise to support your increasingly complex change programmes.

Our services
Our solutions are delivered by an unrivalled pool of Associates that bring experience gained at CEO and board level in both NHS provider and commissioning organisations. With significant regulatory expertise, we have a deep understanding of complex systems and direct experience of leading an accelerator ICS.

We provide modular or end-to-end support spanning the four key areas required for creating and leading an effective ICS:


As Integrated Care Systems evolve, strong leadership and governance are prerequisites for bringing NHS, local authority, private and third sector organisations together.

Our solutions can help you to establish true system leadership that creates collective accountability across your health and care system, working for the good of the population and removing historical barriers between hospitals, GP practices, community services and social care.

Our leadership and governance services support health and care systems in their maturity to true system thinking, including:

  • Transformational Support – a full range of support to system leaders on their organisational development journey. We focus on the transition of moving from a culture of competition to collaboration and a regulatory framework where system accountability is the default position

  • Board and Committee Development – individually tailored development planning and activities that ensure ICS, place and provider alliance boards and committees work collaboratively and effectively

  • Coaching and mentoring - for individual leaders within an integrated system, including managerial, operational and clinical leaders

  • Strategy development and delivery – working across both provider and commissioning organisations to support systems to create, review, refine, refresh and deliver ownership for their strategy

  • Well-led reviews – detailed analysis of leadership and governance utilising the well-led framework. Our reviews focus on quality, finance and operations and the increasing emphasis on organisational culture, improvement and system working.

As Integrated Care Systems evolve, the collaboration between NHS, local authority, private and third sector organisations will be central to driving quality in the system.

Evidence demonstrates that quality of care is directly affected by the quality of leadership and the improvement cultures that leaders create. Our solutions can help you create and sustain the leadership cultures necessary to establish collective accountability for quality and safety across your health and social care system and deliver the quality of care performance objectives set out in the NHS Long Term Plan.

We work collaboratively to co-create effective leadership in quality, starting with a full assessment of your emerging needs followed by a modular programme that draws upon services including:

  • Quality Improvement - a full range of support to system quality improvement (QI) leaders, focussing on the transition of moving from a culture of competition to collaboration where place and / or provider collaboratives will drive quality improvement


  • Quality Assurance - tailored planning and support to ensure ICS, place and provider alliance boards and committees work collaboratively and effectively within a regulatory framework where system accountability for quality is the default position


  • Strategy development and delivery – working across both provider and commissioning organisations to support systems to create, review, refine, refresh and deliver ownership for their quality strategy


  • Coaching and mentoring - for individual leaders within an integrated system who have a focus on quality, including executive leads for system quality and safety, quality improvement teams and members of system quality groups including managerial and clinical leaders


  • Well-led reviews – support for healthcare organisations, and increasingly for whole systems to use the well-led framework in order to undertake developmental reviews as part of their own continuous improvement.

Effective financial systems and measurement play a crucial role in supporting successful integrated care.

Fragmented approaches to payments and finance make it harder to understand how resources can be used to deliver best value for patients across care settings. This can also create conflicting incentives and frustrate efforts to integrate services.

Our team of finance experts enable a successful business approach to ICS development and the subsequent delivery of the required financial targets. We work collaboratively with systems to understand their vision and needs, before building a bespoke finance solution spanning the following areas:

  • System finance development – helping teams to work together more strategically, developing a system financial leadership model with boards more able to support a strategic financial approach

  • Health system costings - to enable pathway costing, support transformation, view operational impacts on cost while still taking an organisational view

  • Network development - to proactively share learning and create a good practice library that builds on the benchmarking from the Model Hospital to form practical implementation solutions

  • Developing business models - to support identification, oversight and implementation for delivery of cost reduction and service transformation programmes at a system and provider level

  • Business intelligence - to support systems in the delivery of strategic financial change and transformation

  • Specialist resourcing - a team of specialists that systems can draw upon for support to meet their individual financial challenges.

The Health and Care Bill includes a legal duty for decision-makers across NHS bodies (Foundation Trusts, NHS Trusts, Integrated Care Boards and NHS England) to collectively consider the impact of their decisions on:

  • Increasing the health and wellbeing of everyone the population they serve (including inequalities in that health and wellbeing)
  • The quality of healthcare services for all the population they serve (including inequalities in benefits from those services) and
  • Sustainable and Efficient use of NHS resources.

Arden & GEM partners with the Oxford Value and Stewardship Programme, founded by Professor Sir Muir Gray, to support organisations and entire health systems to deliver the mindset shift required to deliver their Triple Aim duty. We utilise rapid diagnostic services, organisational development, analytical and clinical expertise to support and challenge clients. This includes helping them understand the concepts and explore the implications of the Triple Aim on use of resources, increasing value, improving outcomes and developing new ways of working.

Support is delivered in five key areas:

  • Online training delivered via seven comprehensive modules that cover the fundamentals of value-based population health and care, and detail five tasks that can enable organisations to establish a culture of stewardship
  • Rapid Triple Aim diagnostics, combining quantitative population analysis and structured qualitative interviews and focus groups to provide you with an action plan to orientate your system to deliver the Triple Aim and develop a culture of stewardship
  • Specialist training options that enable the development of learning organisations by building local capability to continue this work
  • Support to set up, facilitate and then handover local clinical networks with responsibility for improving outcomes for a given population segment within an allocated area
  • Co-design of dashboards and analysis that allow health systems to develop impactful analysis of their populations, segments and sub-segments in order to transform care to remove unwarranted variation, eliminate inequity and drive value.

Find out more about our Value and Stewardship solution here.


Why Effective Leadership Solutions?

  • PROVEN TRACK RECORD: we have a proven track record in supporting the successful transformation of health and care systems. Our multi award-winning work in this area demonstrates experience and best practice

  • SKILLS BASE: we provide access to highly experienced individuals who have operated at CEO and board level in NHS provider and commissioning organisations

  • CULTURAL ALIGNMENT AND VALUES: we are an NHS organisation that shares your culture, challenges and values. We are driven by delivering better outcomes for patients and sustainable healthcare – not profit

  • COLLABORATIVE WORKING: our strong background and passion for collaborative working across the social care, voluntary, community and health sectors ideally positions us to deliver integrated models of care

  • CUTTING EDGE: we provide access to a wide range of carefully selected partner organisations that enhance our services through both niche and global expertise.

As an integral part of the NHS, we understand your culture, operating environment and local and national priorities. Our knowledgeable, experienced and credible Associates can provide invaluable capacity and expertise to support your increasingly complex change programmes.

We would love the opportunity to talk with you about working collaboratively to further develop your leadership team.


Arden & GEM has unrivaled experience in supporting health systems to deliver effective and sustainable change. Find out more about our work by accessing the resources below.


If you’d like to find out more about Effective Leadership Solutions, please contact us here: