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Header image for the current page Developing collaborative, accountable health systems

Developing collaborative, accountable health systems

The evolution of the NHS into integrated care systems requires new ways of working that join up service planning and delivery across organisational boundaries to improve population health outcomes.

We act as an independent and trusted partner, delivering transformational support, both within and across ICSs, to enable the transition to collaborative system-wide working. We understand that each ICS is being developed in response to local context and need, which is why we work in partnership with you to define a tailored roadmap for system development.

Our support delivers:

  • System integration, leadership and relationship building - define operating models, the role of clinical leaders and create the leadership required for value-based healthcare and stewardship
  • Agreed governance and clear accountability – developing place boards and harmonised commissioning policies
  • Effective strategic planning - collectively agreeing priorities and translating these into integrated operational plans
  • Integrated finances and aligned funding - system-wide financial planning and support to assume responsibility for direct and specialised commissioning
  • Impact based performance management – developing new models of contracting that promote shared risk and rewards, and shared accountability for outcomes
  • Connected and aligned workforce - workforce planning, organisational development and cultural change (including creating a culture of value-based healthcare and stewardship).

Our key strengths and expertise:

With a proven track record in bringing together health, social care and the third sector to improve the health and wellbeing of populations, we work across organisational boundaries and constructs to improve whole system delivery and performance.

We have strong and established working relationships with more than 20 systems, which enables the sharing of learning, best practice and innovation. While our combined multidisciplinary staff group provides service resilience, economies of scale and access to a range of specialist skillsets.

With expertise in a wide range of areas such as data curation, predictive modelling and programme management, we can complement and upskill existing ICS capability to enable a high performing system.

Service benefits

Our integrated service solution to develop collaborative, accountable care systems will help you to:

  • Build collaborative relationships and trust between partner organisations and leaders
  • Translate your strategy into integrated plans with clear timelines and accountability
  • Make complex system-wide decisions on managing system resources and risk, and collaborative commissioning
  • Generate a single source of the truth to drive decision-making
  • Agree and measure outcomes that are focused on achieving system priorities.


Arden & GEM is already supporting the integration of health and care systems across England. Find out more by accessing the resources below.


If you’d like to find out more how we can support your journey to integrated care, please contact us here: