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With NHS and care organisations operating in an environment of rapid service change, there is a growing need to ensure transformation programmes are achieving anticipated outcomes, staying within agreed budgets, contributing to health and wellbeing improvements and are able to be scaled or replicated.

Arden & GEM’s Evaluation support enables health systems to clearly demonstrate the impact of new care models for patients and the wider health economy. We are already helping a range of NHS organisations to understand if changes are performing in line with initial expectations; providing valuable learning to improve the shape of ongoing programmes; delivering intelligence that enables effective implementations and developing lessons that can inform the spread of emerging best practice.

Our evaluation support is built to assist transformation projects throughout the entire cycle of change - from positively influencing the design of your programme, to improving ongoing efficiency and effectiveness, as well as reporting what has been achieved.

Our Evaluation service utilises a proven evaluation methodology ‘Context – Discover – Co-design – Deliver’ to enable full understanding of your requirements and establish a clear work plan for delivery with agreed timescales and reporting milestones:

  • Context: Support with defining what is to be evaluated, a specific intervention or service model, why it is being evaluated, what you hope to achieve from the evaluation and gain consensus on what ‘good’ evaluation looks like
  • Discover: Co-defining the evaluation question and scoping the ‘theory of change’, linking the activities to the anticipated change. Shaping the proposed evaluation approach
  • Co-design: Production of a project plan outlining the methodology, engagement schedule and practical timelines. This outlines data requirements (qualitative and quantitative), data sources and ensures qualitative data is collected with minimal disruption
  • Deliver: Deployment of skilled evaluators to collaborate with stakeholders, undertake data collection and report regularly to share emerging insights and themes. Following a robust analysis, we will report and make recommendations.

Why Arden & GEM?

Our Evaluation service provides insight into what is and is not working, aligns performance to project expectations, enables informed decision making and provides evidence to support ongoing investment.

We have a proven track record of delivering robust evaluations with NHS customers including:

  • Evaluation of the NHSX Global Digital Exemplar (GDE) programme (in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh) – processes, outcomes and lessons learnt.
  • Evaluation of the NHS England Targeted Investment Fund – digital schemes early impact and learning review
  • Evaluation of the NHS England Keyworking Model of Care – impact of new model of care to inform wider roll out.


Arden & GEM is already helping healthcare systems to deliver Evaluation services. Find out more by accessing the resources below.


If you’d like to find out more about our Evaluation service please contact us here: