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Complete Care Community programme launched to tackle health inequalities in England

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Complete Care Community – a national programme designed to support health systems utilise Primary Care Networks in tackling health inequalities – was officially launched on Wednesday 24 March through a virtual gathering of participating sites.

The NHS Long Term Plan, and more recently the COVID-19 pandemic, have put a spotlight on how social, economic and environmental conditions are inextricably linked to the health and wellbeing of our population. Complete Care Community is being co-ordinated by Arden & GEM and Healthworks, and will work closely with a series of demonstrator sites in utilising population health approaches and multidisciplinary partnerships, to help address local health inequality challenges.

Over 80 delegates from the first phase of demonstrator sites joined the virtual launch meeting which was chaired by the programme’s clinical lead, Professor James Kingsland OBE. Commenting on the launch, Prof Kingsland said: “Both the programme and demonstrator sites are extremely excited about exploring pragmatic and functional approaches to reducing health inequalities in the recovery phase from COVID-19. Our aim is to reduce the burden of recovery for disadvantaged groups in our communities who are already suffering from inequalities in health. We have been overwhelmed by the positivity around Complete Care Communities and the enthusiasm of health systems to support this initiative.”

Speakers at the event also included Dr Bola Owolabi, National Director for Health Inequalities at NHS England and NHS Improvement, who provided key messages around the national drive to tackle health inequality along with Nigel Garratt, Deputy Head of School at the University of Central Lancashire who spoke on the evaluation of the programme.

Regional overviews were also provided for the North West, South West and London demonstrator sites in order to share challenges and provide early networking opportunities.

The programme is keen to hear from other sites – at a system, place or neighbourhood level – who would be interested in participating in the second phase of the pilot launching later in the year. If you would like to find out more information please contact the programme via email at contact.ardengem@nhs.net.