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Clinical Redesign

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Our Clinical Redesign services enable health systems to improve integration, efficiency and the quality care from a patient and carer perspective.

We offer a data driven, evidence based framework for innovation and a suite of tools to ensure change delivers better care, has strong governance, is sustainable and integrated within the system. We deliver an end to end or modular solution spanning 5 key areas of Clinical Redesign:


Assess where you are now, where you want to be and how you can get there.

Using a wealth of NHS knowledge, networks, professional experience, our insights and clinical analytics expertise alongside yours we will work with you to formulate next steps for your redesign programme.


  • A clear understanding of challenges and priorities
  • A detailed plan outlining the required actions, roles and responsibilities

View our case study here.

Our collaborative change and programme management experts will identify the right team from across our collective organisations, agree local priorities, co-design your transformation programme with targeted interventions / solutions to meet specific local challenges and improve efficiency and effectiveness.


  • Facilitated sessions with stakeholders to understand needs and enable co-designed solutions
  • Options appraisal and recommendations

View our case study here.

Utilising specialist expertise, technical skills and digital innovation we will establish and support an MDT, develop your leadership and using communication, engagement, behavioural insights and skills development ensure that staff, local people and patients are at the heart of your service redesign transitioning potential solutions into reality.


  • Full implementation support that provides the capacity and skills required to safely deliver transformation

View our case study here.

Using continuous improvement methodologies, we think about the sustainability of your transformation from initiation, through programme delivery to business as usual. We will enable you to evaluate the impact of change, manage resistance and maintain your new operating models/ pathways, ensuring celebration of successes and capture of lessons learned.


  • New models of care embedded into your day to day operations
  • Clarity on the value delivered via your change programme

View our case study here.

An ‘Academy Approach’ which brings service users, clinicians, finance and operational teams together to share challenges, ideas and learning. Provision of training, support to develop clinical stewardship and system leadership development.


  • Increased health and wellbeing
  • Improved quality of healthcare
  • Sustainable and efficient use of resources

Find out more about our value and stewardship services here. 

View our case study here.



The benefits:

The Clinical Redesign experts within our HealthCare Solutions team bring:

  • Knowledge and skills to take on projects at any scale: from changes to particular patient pathways, through to multi-agency, system-wide integration.
  • A holistic approach to transformational change that covers culture and consultation; shared purpose; implementation; and accountability.
  • Tried and tested tools and knowledge to deliver integration and new models of care.
  • Extensive experience of working in partnership with local authorities and providers to transform health care services.
  • Support to develop sustainable programmes which reduce reliance on acute services
  • Detailed knowledge of utilising community, voluntary and third sector providers within service redesign.
    Close working with national bodies and an established network of private sector partners.


If you would like to find out more about our Clinical redesign services, please complete your details below and one of our team will be in touch.