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Continuing Healthcare workshops support service improvement

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Commissioning and Continuing Healthcare leaders from across the country came together this September to attend a series of half-day workshops facilitated by leading healthcare experts.

With the need to improve CHC services at the heart of a recent investigation by the National Audit Office, NHS Arden & GEM Commissioning Support Unit (CSU), Mills & Reeve LLP and ExamWorks UK joined forces to deliver a series of workshops designed to support Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in their efforts to improve quality and reduce costs within their CHC service.

The three well attended events took place at Mills and Reeve offices in London, Birmingham and Leeds. The presenters covered ideas for reducing variation, improving operational efficiency and suggestions for cost savings. Each event concluded with a panel Q&A session which gave participants the chance to share particular challenges in their area, before networking over lunch.

“As CCGs come under ever increasing cost pressures, it is important to find new ways of working without compromising patient safety. In putting together this series of workshops, we were keen to share the best practice we have identified through our extensive experience of delivering CHC service across eight counties and running the national PUPoC support service in conjunction with NHS England.”

Paul Taylor, Head of CHC Consultancy Services at NHS Arden & GEM CSU


Delegate feedback from the three sessions has been very positive with 100% of attendees rating the presentation quality as ‘good’ or ‘very good’. If you would like to learn more about the workshops, including access to the presentation slides, then please email contact.ardengem@nhs.net.