The Complete Care Community Programme has launched a new report detailing emerging findings on health inequalities impacting on children and young people.
Complete Care Community is an innovative national programme designed to support health systems utilise Primary Care Networks in tackling health inequalities. Delivered by Healthworks and NHS Arden & GEM, with clinical leadership provided by Professor James Kingsland OBE, the programme centres on working with Primary Care Networks to identify the key health inequality challenges faced by local populations, in particular those associated with the wider determinants of health, that require collaborative working with local councils and other agencies.
Reducing health inequalities for children and young people is part of NHS England’s Core20PLUS5 approach to tackling health inequalities at both national and system level. The Complete Care Community Programme, through its active field work, is supporting NHS England to establish the evidence and accelerate improvement in services for this target population cohort. The report, commissioned by NHS England, has reviewed the work of our programme’s demonstrator sites where their endeavours to reduce health inequality include activities with children and young people.
The new report summarises emerging findings from over 40 demonstrator sites working as part of the programme, with particular focus on children and young people. As part of the programme’s commitment to spreading learning and best practice, this new publication provides practical examples and actionable insights on how other health systems can improve their own efforts to tackle health inequality. Key themes within the report include engagement, co-design, agency and paternalism, sustainability, evaluation and capability, capacity and training.
Early results from the Complete Care Community Programme are confirming the findings of the Fuller Review that primary care is well placed to contribute to, and be a catalyst for, community development alongside its traditional role.
The report is free to everyone with an interest in reducing health inequalities and can be accessed here.
To find out more about the Complete Care Community Programme click here.