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Complete Care Community Health Inequalities Summit 2022

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The Complete Care Community programme team successfully hosted their first ‘Health Inequalities Summit’ on Wednesday 6 July.

This all-day event was held at the Royal Society of Medicine and welcomed almost 100 delegates spanning Primary Care Networks, Integrated Care Systems and NHS England.

The Complete Care Communities Programme works with Primary Care Networks across England to identify and address local health inequalities. The programme is delivered by Arden & GEM and Healthworks and receives funding from the National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme, NHS England.

The Summit brought together a diverse range of expert speakers to explore health inequalities and to showcase work happening in Complete Care Community demonstrator sites designed to tackle inequality in some of the most complex areas of care. The team were joined by:

Chris Davies, Associate Director – Project and Programme Management at Arden & GEM said: “I’d like to take this opportunity for to thank all of the delegates and speakers for making the Health Inequality Summit a great success. Feedback for the event has been overwhelmingly positive, with those attending taking the opportunity to share learning and best practice as well as networking with likeminded professionals all with a passion for reducing health inequality”.

Professor James Kingsland OBE, Clinical Director at Healthworks said: “Our most recent plenary session for the CCC programme focussed on the enablers and barriers to demonstrator site development. Held in the RSM, a vibrant meeting revealed some admirable progress in sites all over England, which was supported by the launch of the first report into the programme from the University of Central Lancashire. NHSE and its Regions have helped propel the programme forward and prepare for the subsequent more formal research into the approach espoused by the design of the Complete Care Community”.

Recordings of the sessions can be accessed here under 'Events and resources'.