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Primary Care Websites

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With General Practice (GP) delivering over 300 million appointments each year, effective digital solutions are the foundation upon which primary care will build modern, efficient and responsive services.

A key digital tool for each GP surgery is a website that enables effective engagement with their patients and wider population. Delivered correctly, GP websites provide an opportunity to improve access to care, increase patient engagement and satisfaction, as well as streamlining clinic operations.

We already work collaboratively with GP Practices, Primary Care Networks (PCNs), GP Federations, Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and Trusts in the provision of best-in-class websites and digital communications solutions. We understand the changing health and care landscape has an impact on digital communications and as part of the NHS family are committed to public sector values.


Our support
Our team of digital experts can fully support the development and build of primary care websites, or alternatively we can provide a solution which allows GPs and PCNs to build their own websites.


Our PrimaryWeb solution enables GP practices to self-build cost effective, accessible and mobile responsive websites in under 60 minutes.

This online portal empowers primary care organisations to easily build, use and maintain their website with a range of options to upgrade functionality. Practices can easily configure the website using a drag and drop function within the dashboard to select NHS brand compliant templates, add practice logos and create new pages to meet your individual requirements.

Our technology is highly intuitive, with the dashboard and functions as easy to navigate and use as a social media page.

You can find out more about our self-build websites here

We understand the growing pressure that primary care faces, and appreciate that some practices and PCNs may need to secure additional support to help with their configuration and set-up.

Our team of experienced web development experts will work with you to plan, develop, test and launch a website that meets your exact needs and delivers the information and functionality required to support your organisational objectives. We utilise our unique PrimaryWeb online portal to build, use and maintain primary care websites. This provides access to the latest technology required for effective delivery of primary care, while also benefiting from scale economies, NHS brand and accessibility compliance, and intuitive functionality for ongoing content management.

To find out more about our fully developed website service please contact sarah.makin@nhs.net 



Service benefits

  • Self-configure or receive support to build a website that is both practical and user friendly for your patients and staff
  • Access a simple to use and cost-effective system, using the latest technology
  • Keep your practice safe and compliant with the latest national digital and accessibility guidance
  • Improve engagement with your population through the provision of information, appointment scheduling, education and enhanced communication
  • Access ongoing expert support if required.

Download our Primary Care websites brochure



If you’d like to find out more about our Primary care website service please contact us here: