Arden & GEM Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) has won the National GO Procurement Award for Collaborative Procurement in partnership with North East London CSU, South Central & West CSU and North of England CSU.
This prestigious accolade was awarded in recognition of the successful partnership approach taken to delivering direct commissioning support to NHS England. The two-year project, led by Arden & GEM as the Lead Provider, provides countrywide coordinated procurement support across those clinical services for which NHS England has direct commissioning responsibility.
The win was announced at the GO Procurement Awards Annual Dinner held in Manchester on 21 March. Arden & GEM and its delivery partners beat off stiff competition from seven other finalists in the collaboration category.
The award was judged on projects which could demonstrate:
- A joined-up approach
- Measurable efficiency gains
- Compliance
- End-user benefit
- Sustainability
- Cross-sector procurement, and
- Collaboration.
“We are thrilled to have won the collaboration category amid such tough competition. Working in partnership with both our delivery partners and our client has enabled us to deliver significant improvements in the quality and consistency of directly commissioned services, while also identifying much needed efficiency savings which can be reinvested in future projects. It is wonderful to have this work independently recognised at such a prestigious event.”
Warren Simms, Associate Director of Clinical Procurement and Market Management at NHS Arden & GEM
To find out more about this award winning project, please click here.